Christmas at Calvary Learn More

Your Journey For The Nations

How will your life have an impact on the nations for the Kingdom?

There are many different ways you can find your role in Global Ministries, get involved, and live a life of disciples making disciples for the glory of God and expansion of the gospel.


Understanding the Great Commission
The great commission is recorded in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” For more information on the great commission, please visit

Missions and The One Story of the Bible
Since the fall of man in the garden, God has had a plan to reach all nations through His people. To see more about the Bible as a Missions Story, please visit

Developing a Discipleship Relationship
We believe every disciple of Jesus should be in the process of becoming a disciple that makes disciples. We seek to make disciples by each being in intentional relationships for growth—relationships that go deeper than family ties, friendship, and shared interest but relationships that move us to become more like Christ. All of us have an opportunity to find someone who is ahead of us that we can learn from and someone we can help along in their journey as we continue on ours. In light of who God is and what he has done, we get to contribute not just here but in making disciples to the ends of the earth. Contact Jon Brady for more information at .

Getting Involved in Next Steps
Each of us is on a spiritual journey. What we share in common is the need to keep moving—taking intentional steps of faith. But everyone’s journey will look different—that’s why Calvary Church offers a variety of adult ministries to choose from. Our goal is to encourage and equip you to take your next step as you Pursue Life in Christ. Please visit for more information.

We encourage all of those who are part of our church family to give—not out of obligation, but out of a spirit of worship. Your gifts allow God's work to be done in our midst, in our community, and in the world around us. Global Ministry is one of four available funds that can receive a donation. Please visit to learn more.


Prayer Opportunities
There are many ways for you to become involved in prayer with Global Ministries! Pick up the Quarterly Global Ministries Prayer Guide available in the lobby to stay connected with our global partners. Attend our Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evenings, 6:30 pm, in the Chapel to pray for the nations and be added to the email list to receive the Wednesday Prayer Guide. Join a Global Partner PAC (Prayer & Care)Team to come alongside one of our global partners in prayer, support, and encouragement. For more information, contact Terri Sherman at

Partnering & Serving Opportunities
You’re invited to be part of what God is doing in the spiritual lives of people. Calvary has many different ministry positions where you can leverage your gifts and experience to invest in God’s work. Check out for a variety of opportunities.

Sharing Your Faith
'The Art of Neighboring' is a book resource that Calvary Church has been using to help equip people to share their faith with the people closest to them—their neighbors. For more information, please visit

Connecting with a Global Partner
There are multiple ways that you can connect with a global partner. In the library hallway, there are pictures and global partner information on the wall. Prayer letters are distributed weekly in the church lobby with updates and specific prayer requests. To receive global partner prayer letters, please contact Terri Sherman at

PAC (Prayer and Care) Teams
Global Partners are encouraged to have PAC Teams. These teams pray on a regular basis, encourage global partners with correspondence, and help facilitate their transition to and from the field. For more information, please contact Kim Scott at

Take a Global Elective
From time to time, Global Ministries offer electives to better connect, encourage, and inform Calvary Church attendees about Global Ministry opportunities and training. Please contact Terri Sherman at  for upcoming elective information.

Digging In

Learning More About Other Cultures
Operation World and Joshua Project are excellent resources to learn more about other cultures around the world. Learn how you can pray for and respond to these cultures on a regular basis. Please visit and/or

Least-Reached Vision
A least-reached people is a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance. For more information about least-reached people groups, please visit

ABF Grant Money
Global Ministries partners with ABFs (Adult Bible Fellowships) by providing approved projects with grants. Information on these project requests can be received by contacting Terri Sherman at

ABF Advocates
Every ABF (Adult Bible Fellowships) has a Global Ministry Advocate to facilitate the passing of information to and from Global Ministries and the ABF. For more information, please contact Terri Sherman at

Diving In

Building Intentional Cross-Cultural Relationships
There are several partnering organizations in the area that work connecting local church attenders in cross-cultural ministry. Please visit

Engaging with Global Ministries
There are many ways to serve with Global Ministries. These include local and global ministry opportunities. Everything from going overseas on a short-term ministry trip or working locally with refugees. Are you good with your hands? There are opportunities to help maintain Global Partner housing. Want to be more relational? Join a PAC team! Discover where your gifts and talents fit best by contacting Terri Sherman at  for more information.

Take the Perspectives Course
God has a "world-sized" role for every Christian in His global purpose. Whether people go to distant countries or stay at home is a secondary issue. The primary issue is what most people are hungry to discover: a vision to live a life of purpose. Discovering that vision makes this course valuable, and perhaps crucial, for any Christian.

Perspectives is a fifteen-week course designed around four vantage points or "perspectives" — Biblical, Historical, Cultural, and Strategic. Each one highlights different aspects of God's global purpose. For more information, please visit

Short-Term Ministry Trips
Throughout the year there are various opportunities to serve our global partners and other partnerships by serving, loving, and connecting through short-term ministries. Visit our short-term trips page for more to learn more about upcoming opportunities.

Volunteer for Global Ministry Teams
At times there are opportunities to recruit volunteers for projects or unexpected needs. For more information, please contact Terri Sherman at

Apply for Cross Training
Cross Training is the high-quality, church-based Global Partner preparation for cross-cultural ministry. For more information, contact Bob Miller at

Teach ESL
There have been as many as 1,000 refugees relocating to Lancaster in one year. Many of them have limited or no English language experience. Calvary Church is a host for ESL (English as a second language) courses. For more information, please contact Terri Sherman at  for more information.

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