Interested in learning more about how to read your Bible, understanding what it says, why it’s important, and what to do with it? Essentials is a conversational small group that will give you tools for a lifetime of pursuing life in Christ. We will journey through God’s Word with weekly discussion, based on a selection of assigned readings. Journey alongside others as you take this next step to grow in your faith together!
Essentials is divided into four units:
Unit I: God's Big Story
Unit II: God & Man's Plan
Unit III: God Becomes Flesh (Starting Sunday, March 16, at 11:00am) God demonstrates His love for us be becoming human through the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus reveals He is "truth" and is totally God. Mankind has the choice to believe or not. We'll discuss what it means to have a relationship with God.
Unit IV: God's Eternal Reward (Starting Sunday, March 16, at 9:30am) God equips mankind, who believes Jesus is God's Son, with power to live life to the fullest! We will discuss how life in a relationship with Jesus/God has eternal rewards!