It is our desire to partner with you to disciple your teenager. In order for that to happen, communication is key! We have a few different avenues for you to stay connected:
Parent Emails
We send out a monthly Parent News email highlighting events, series overviews, and other important information for parents. Click here to subscribe.
The Post-Game Recap
Do you ever wonder what your student is learning on a Wednesday night...or maybe you're not sure what to ask when they get in the car? Join the Middle School and/or High School Post-Game Recap group(s) to receive a short lesson summary and follow-up questions each Wednesday night!
Middle School Post-Game Recap
High School Post-Game Recap
Student Baptism
Students who want to be baptized should pick up a Baptism Packet from the CSM Window on a Wednesday night or Sunday morning. A Student Ministry staff member will give your student directions to walk through this process with a parent. Parents, we encourage you to teach your children the meaning and significance of baptism. It is important to remember the initiative to be baptized should come from your student, and we encourage you to support their decision (lovingly nudging them from time to time, if necessary, but not rushing them through the process).