Jan. 21: Calvary Preschool: 2-hour delay. Women's Bible Study canceled.

Student Group Leaders

Become a student group leader

Student Group leaders have an opportunity to impact the next generation during some of their most pivotal years. It's an opportunity to allow God to work through you as you commit to doing life with students. If you've ever considered serving with teenagers, check out what some of our current leaders have to say about their involvement with Student Groups and how it has impacted their own spiritual lives.


Are you in? 

Fill out our I'm In serving interest form to start the conversation about becoming a Student Group leader. Once we receive your submission, someone from our CSM staff will contact you regarding next steps.

Start the Conversation

Want to know more?

We would love to get you connected in CSM! Here are some helpful resources outlining our leader and coach roles and highlighting our ministry:

Group Leader
A CSM Student Group leader shepherds a small group of students to pursue life in Christ through weekly meetings consisting of guided discussion, prayer, and accountability in order to grow with God’s people and go into God’s world. They do so by maturing in Christ themselves, carefully planning their time with students for the greatest effect, prompting each student to take steps toward Christlikeness, and developing as a leader. For more info, read the CSM Leader Job Description.

Coaches are volunteers whose primary ministry is to adult leaders and teen leaders. Coaches will typically oversee between 3 to 4 Student Groups (approximately 6 to 9 leaders). Coaches are responsible to assist leaders to be the best they can be for their groups by making sure that logistic issues are resolved, discussion questions are answered, and the groups (and/or leaders) are on schedule with their responsibilities. We do this with heavy doses of discipleship, prayer, accountability, and encouragement. For more info, read the CSM Coach Job Description.

Additional Resources:
5 Essentials of a Small Group Leader
Calvary Student Ministries Vision & Values
CSM Leader Reference Form (online form)
Student Medical Release Form
Parent Information

Contact Us

If you have further questions about Calvary Student Ministries or being a Student Group leader or coach, please contact us at