Jan. 21: Calvary Preschool: 2-hour delay. Women's Bible Study canceled.

Early Childhood

Welcome to Calvary Church’s Early Childhood Ministries! We have a committed group of team members whose greatest desire is that your child will be deeply rooted in God’s Word and pursue life in Christ as he/she grows and develops a deep love for Him. It is our heart's desire that your child will learn to reach out with the message of God’s love to his friends, his community, and, ultimately, the nations. We count it a privilege to partner with you! 

We are available to serve your family on Sunday mornings at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am, as well as on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm for ages 2 - Pre-K.

Our Ministry is divided into 3 main age groups. Bible lessons are taught through a variety of age-appropriate activities and hands-on learning centers which all focus on one main Bible truth.

  • Beginners - Red Signage (Ages 2-3)
    The children will be taught 13 Bible truths throughout the year. Each lesson is repeated for four weeks with a variety of activities and learning centers each week that reinforce the concepts and Bible truths.
  • Changers - Blue Signage (Ages 3-4)
    The children will go through chronological teaching of Old Testament stories with the aim of acquainting each child with a great, big God.
  • PreK - Yellow Signage (Ages 4-5)
    The children will go through chronological teaching of New Testament stories with the aim of acquainting each child with a great, big God and introducing them to Jesus.

Memory Verses and Songs

Children will learn a simple Bible verse every few weeks with extra verses around Christmas and Easter. Parents are encouraged to practice these verses at home each week to help write them on their child's heart.

Beginners Bible Verses Changers Bible Verses Pre-K Bible Verses Early Childhood Songs


Wednesday Night

Little Discovery Clubs

6:30 - 8:00pm | Sept. - April
Discovery Clubs offers weekly Bible truths and activities for 6 months through 6th Grade. We desire kids to develop a heart for the world and be a part of what God is doing, both here and around the globe.
Learn More


If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Early Childhood Ministries, Genine Zigrang, at