Jan. 21: Calvary Preschool: 2-hour delay. Women's Bible Study canceled.

Disability Ministry

Partnering with families and individuals impacted by disability
on their journey to Pursue Life in Christ.







Inclusive Sunday School (children birth-6th grade)
Children with special needs are included in age and ability-appropriate ministry environments by providing 1-on-1 buddy support. Buddies walk along with the child, giving support at the level needed to help your child participate, learn, grow and serve along with their peers.

Mentor Support (teens and young adults)
Students and young adults are supported at their different gathering points on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings by a team of dedicated volunteers. Students and young adults are welcomed and encouraged to join in with their peers for special events that take place throughout the year. Volunteer support for these events is offered as needed.

Shepherds Class (youth through adults) – Room 312
This self-contained ministry environment is for adults with developmental disabilities and geared toward the specific learning needs of those who attend. Periodic social events are planned throughout the year. This class meets during the 9:30am and 11:00am ministry hours on Sunday mornings.

Conquerors Class / Sensory Space
Located on our Calvary Kids level, these classrooms function as a place for kids affected by disability to gather during either ministry hour. Kids with buddies that need a short break from their classroom can use this space to regulate their bodies and take a brain break. We also use this space to help our kids engage in Bible learning at a pace and understanding level that meets their unique needs.

Side-by-Side (Mom's Small Group)
This group meets every 2nd Wednesday evening or 2nd Tuesday morning for moms of those with special needs meets each month for a time of sharing, biblical encouragement, prayer, and fellowship.

Shoulder-to-Shoulder (Dad's Small Group)
This group meets on every 3rd Tuesday for a time of encouragement in the challenging role of being dads of those with special needs.

Plan Your Visit

Calvary Kids (Nursery - 6th grade) inclusion: 9:30 or 11:00am

Parent Handbook Link

Student Ministry (7th – 12th grade) inclusion: 9:30 or 11:00am
Shepherds Class (youth and adults) inclusion: 9:30 or 11:00am


Help us make your first visit a positive experience by contacting us in advance!

New Student Contact Form

General Resources

Large Print Bulletins – located at the East and West connection centers in the lobby

Fragrance-Free Section – located in the balcony on the far left side

Accessible Family Restroom – located next to the elevator near the fireplace in the main lobby

Sign Language Interpretation – 9:30am ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) Room 314; 11:00am service (front left section of the auditorium), ASL interpretation live-streamed during the 11am service

Assisted listening devices for people with hearing loss available at the ushers station in the lobby

Accessible seating areas in the auditorium for persons who use wheelchairs; ask an usher for assistance







Disability Ministry Team Volunteers

Want to come alongside a family impacted by disability? Join our Disability Ministry team!

• Serve as a 1-on-1 buddy with a child during the 9:30 or 11:00am ministry hour.
• Serve as a buddy on Wednesday evenings during our Discovery Club program.
• Come alongside our adults in the Shepherd class learning environment.
• Assist an individual with a disability as they participate in our main worship service.
• Help at a special Disability Ministry event.

Interested In Serving    Current Volunteer Resources

Our desire is to make Calvary Church a place
where everyone feels welcomed and included!