Jan. 21: Calvary Preschool: 2-hour delay. Women's Bible Study canceled.

Support Groups


DivorceCare is designed to provide support and biblical guidance for those who are facing impending divorce, or have already gone through a divorce.

Each week your DivorceCare group will watch a video seminar featuring top experts on divorce and recovery subjects. After viewing the video, you will have the opportunity to discuss what you heard and encourage each other in group time. These groups will be a safe place to share issues related to your situation. During the week, your workbook will provide further personal study and encouragement.

DivorceCare meets for 13 weeks in the fall and spring on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm.

Register Here

If you have children, ages birth through Pre-K, registration is required for Wednesday evening Discovery Clubs. You will receive confirmation from Genine Zigrang or Anna Fillgrove concerning your child’s enrollment.