We need more than friends; we need individuals who intentionally help us grow, who speak into our lives, and whose lives we can speak into as well. This is the way God created us, how He created the body of Christ to function (see 1 Corinthians 12:14-17, 19-22, 26; Ephesians 4:15-16; Philippians 2:3-4; Hebrews 10:24-25).
Calvary Church believes small groups help provide a place for care, connection, and taking next steps as we pursue life in Christ. Join together with others to take your next spiritual step for greater connection, care, and growth. We currently have two options to join a small group:
ABF-Based Small Groups
Many of our larger ABFs (Adult Bible Fellowships) sub-divide into small groups to enable spiritual growth within a more relational setting in addition to the Sunday meetings. If you desire to be in an ABF-based small group, begin by attending an ABF with an asterisk by its name.
Seasonal Small Groups
These small groups are short-term, topical groups offered in the spring, summer, and fall months that provide a space to find community and grow deeper in your faith. Spring groups will start meeting in March.
Find a Group
Are you interested in facilitating a small group this spring? Group leader opportunities are still available! Groups will start in March (varying by group) and focus on one of the topics listed below. Leaders choose the day, frequency, and group size, and we will provide training, materials, and support along the way.