Calvary Preschool: 2-hour Delay, January 22

Adult Ministries

Each of us is on a spiritual journey. What we share in common is the need to keep moving  taking intentional steps of faith. But everyones journey will look different  thats why we offer a variety of adult ministries to choose from. Living out what you're learning from God's Word is the primary intent in these ministry environments. Our goal is to encourage and equip you to take your next step as you Pursue Life in Christ.

"It's your journey; we're here to help."

Adult bible fellowships

An Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) is an interactive learning environment that provides you with an opportunity to Live God's Word by "learning what it means and doing what it says" within a smaller, more relational setting at Calvary Church. In fact, ABFs are a great way to live out several of Calvary's values of Living God's Word and Growing with God's People. 

ABFs meet at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am every Sunday morning. They vary in age group and format, but all share a focus on providing their attendees with a great opportunity to disciple one another as they are Pursuing Life in Christ together. 

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Men's Bible Study

Our Men’s Bible Study will help men Pursue Life in Christ by equipping them to be disciple-makers in their home, neighborhood, workplace, and church by learning how to study God’s Word inductively and personally, seeking knowledge of the truth for the purpose of godliness.

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Women's Ministry

Calvary Women exists to engage women as they pursue life in Christ through equipping women to study God’s word, cultivating relationships that lead to growth, and encouraging others as we encounter God. 

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Small Groups

We need more than friends! We need individuals who intentionally help us to growthose who speak truth into our lives and others into whose lives we can speak.  This is the way God created us, in fact, this is how God created the body of Christ to function. We want to help you cultivate those kinds of relationships… the kind that will help you take another step as you Pursue Life in Christ. 

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