Jan. 21: Calvary Preschool: 2-hour delay. Women's Bible Study canceled.

ABF Finder

Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) meet continuously throughout the year. To simplify your ABF search, we’ve developed this interactive online tool. Use the toggle switches below to narrow your search by Demographic (age group), Teaching Style, and/or Meeting Time.

We suggest you make a list of a few ABFs that might be a good fit for you and attend one of them for three weeks. If it’s a good fit, stay and get involved. If it’s not a good fit, try the next one on your list.

Note that ABFs with an asterisk (*) after their name indicate that small groups may be available within this ABF. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or want help making a decision.

Teaching Style Key:

High: Teaching that uses regular open discussion between class members and frequent use of smaller groups to dive into the subject
Medium: Regular two-way communication between the teacher & class
Low: Lecture-style teaching with infrequent open discussion

Adult Bible Fellowships


When: Sunday, 8:00am
Where: Room 305