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Global Prayer Guide

Everyone has a story and every story matters.

We live in a time where we are bombarded with information and facts every day. Although we may connect to the events taking place, a true story connects us to the people in the story. This edition of the LiveSent prayer guide is a bit different; it includes stories…stories about people who believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ needs to be told to all the people of the world and that it’s the greatest story to ever happen.

We invite you to join us, to be a part of this journey of prayer over the next few months as we see how the gospel transforms people and changes their lives forever.

Request A Copy

Read the stories of our global partners and see how God is using them to accomplish His work around the world!⁠ Pick up your copy in the church lobby or request one by mail below.

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Partner organizations

To reach the world for Christ, we come alongside and partner with a few non-profits and organizations who are also dedicated to spreading the gospel, locally and internationally.

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Your Journey For The Nations

How will your life have an impact on the nations for the Kingdom? There are many different ways you can find your role in Global Ministries, get involved, and live a life of disciples making disciples for the glory of God and expansion of the gospel.

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