Global Next Steps

Jesus prayed in John 17, “As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” Everyone has a part in reaching the nations, whether that’s going or sending others. Explore the unique privilege of being sent into the world and your role in sending others!

For more information on any of these next steps, contact .

Understanding the Great Commission

The Great Commission is recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

PRAY...for God’s Work in the World 

  • Pick up or request a Quarterly Prayer Guide to pray daily for our Global Partners and their ministries.
  • Attend one of our two prayer meetings: Tuesdays at 6:30pm in the Student Ministries office area and Wednesdays at 6:30pm in Room 317.
  • Join a Prayer and Care (PAC) Team to come alongside a Global Partner through prayer and regular correspondence.
  • Pray for individual Global Partner prayer requests by picking up their prayer letters, located in the lobby kiosks and the Global Hallway.


Pray for Unreached People Groups
An Unreached People Group has no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize them without outside assistance. Learn more about UPGs and join in praying for them.

Pray for and Learn About Other Cultures
Operation World and Joshua Project are excellent resources to learn more about other cultures. To learn how you can regularly pray for and respond to these cultures, check out Mission News Network or PrayerCast.


of Your Time, Talents, and Resources

  • Volunteer with Global Ministries by helping to prepare housing for Global Partners, providing transportation to and from the airport, and/or assisting with other needs as they arise.
  • Give financially to the Global Ministries Fund or towards a short-term ministry team (STMT).
  • Join a welcome team for a local refugee family or volunteer to teach English to those with limited or no language experience.
  • Personally connect with a Global Partner who is on home assignment by taking them to lunch, coffee, or by attending one of the many Global Events hosted throughout the year.
  • Explore global resources like books, podcasts, and websites. 
  • Volunteer to be your ABF’s Global Advocate. This person is in charge of communicating the prayer requests and the needs of the assigned Global Partner and communicating Global events to the ABF.


Check out additional global books and recommended missionary biographies in the Calvary Church Library.



Missions and the One Story of the Bible
Since the fall of man in the garden, God has had a plan to reach all nations through His people. Check out this series from CrossCon to hear more about God's heart for the nations and the Bible as a Missions Story.


Global Podcasts
There are endless options when it comes to global podcasts, but if you're looking for a place to start, we recommend Radical, The Global Missions Podcast, The Mission Matters, The Saturate Podcast, and Desiring God.

Take a Step of Action