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Jan. 21: Calvary Preschool: 2-hour delay. Women's Bible Study canceled.

CPS Curriculum

Calvary Preschool serves families in the community with preschoolers ages 2 yrs 6 months (by the start of school) to 5 years of age.

by Calvary Kids on July 01, 2018

Who We Serve 

Calvary Preschool serves families in the community with preschoolers ages 2yrs 7 months (by the start of school) to 5 years of age.

Calvary Preschool gives children ages 2.7 to 5 years of age the foundations of learning and prepares them for their next level of education. We are a developmental program that strives to meet the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and social needs of the child to provide them with the tools they will need to succeed in both school and life. We use theme based and literacy based materials in our classrooms geared to the level and interest of the children. Biblical truths and values are integrated into our daily lessons through stories, songs, prayer, and finger plays. 

Thematic Units

We use a wide variety of themes to teach the children skills they need for a basis for future schooling and education. These include but are not limited to the following:

Bears, Birds, Butterflies/Caterpillars, Fish/Ocean, Bugs, Children of the World, Farms, Five Senses, Good Health/Nutrition/Food, Jungle/Jungle Animals, Hats, Leaves, Mice, Penguins, Pets, and Pumpkins. 


Literacy is the foundation needed for all other learning, so we include and encourage reading and the love of reading in our students through:

  • Literacy Units
  • Library
  • Daily reading in class
  • Learning Centers


Calvary Preschool is a member school of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) since 2009.

CPS is not licensed through the state of Pennsylvania but regularly reviews the state regulations and voluntarily maintains the same or higher standards set by the state for childcare facilities.

Tags: cps, curriculum, preschool