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Jan. 21: Calvary Preschool: 2-hour delay. Women's Bible Study canceled.

Grades 1-4 Curriculum

by Calvary Kids on August 25, 2019

Sunday School

We take 1st - 4th graders through the one story of the Bible two times.

In 1st and 2nd Grade, our Treasure Island theme encourages the children to “dig for treasures in God’s Big Story” and discover that God, himself, is the greatest treasure of all!

In 3rd and 4th Grades, they journey through the Bible a second time with completely new lessons. Our desire is that the children will grow to know and love our great God. We want them to see God as the Bible’s main character and learn how they fit into His purpose of redeeming all people! We emphasize not only learning what Scripture means but doing what it says!

Tags: children, curriculum, elementary