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Calvary 56 Curriculum

by Calvary Kids on August 25, 2018

Sunday School

Throughout the year, we have a variety of Bible teaching units which encourage and challenge the students to dig deeper into God’s Word. Some of the Bible units include:

  • 5th Grade
    • Foundations of our Faith
    • Young Peacemakers
    • The Bible’s Big Picture
    • The Tabernacle: God’s Pattern for Worship
    • Wisdom from the Book of Proverbs
    • The Providence of God
  • 6th Grade
    • A Closer Look at Calvary Church
    • Bible Study Basics
    • Apologetics 101
    • Preparing for Adolescence
    • Fighting the Good Fight
Small Groups

We value growing with God’s people. We strongly believe that the students will connect best and grow the most in the context of a small group where they can connect with consistent leaders and the same group of kids week to week. Meeting in small groups helps the students to dialog about how they can live out the Bible truths learned. Your child will be assigned to a group of boys or girls, with either a full-time (every Sunday) or 2 part-time (every other week) leaders. During the Sunday School hour, they will spend time in their small groups as well as in a large group teaching time.

Wednesday Night Discovery Clubs

  • 5th Grade: We “nail down” the BIG TRUTHS of the Gospel so that the students learn to identify the BIG LIES that many people believe. We introduce the students to the T.H.U.M.B. people groups (Tribal, Hindu, Chinese, Muslim and Buddhist) so that they will know how to use the Bible to share its truth with others who don’t worship Jesus. We learn about other cultures through games and activities, and we enjoy guest speakers.
  • 6th Grade: Many of the themes from the previous five years are reviewed and taught in new ways. We will take a look at issues of poverty around the globe and be challenged to respond in biblical ways.  During the last half of the year, the students will learn and practice a variety of methods for sharing their faith through natural everyday conversations. Students will be challenged and motivated to trust God to use them to draw others to Himself.

Tags: children, curriculum, elementary