What to Expect
Student Ministries desires to invest, mentor, and disciple 7th-12th grade students through the context of small groups, retreats, and events.
Volunteer Roles
Group Leader
A Calvary Student Ministries Student Group Leader shepherds a small group of students to pursue life in Christ through weekly meetings consisting of guided discussion, prayer, and accountability in order to grow with God’s people and go into God’s world. They do so by maturing in Christ themselves, carefully planning their time with students for the greatest effect, prompting each student to take steps toward Christlikeness, and developing as a leader.
Coaches are volunteers whose primary ministry is to adult leaders and teen leaders. Coaches will typically oversee between 3 to 4 Student Groups (approximately 6 to 9 leaders). Coaches are responsible to assist leaders to be the best they can be for their groups by making sure that logistic issues are resolved, discussion questions are answered, and the groups (and/or leaders) are on schedule with their responsibilities. We do this with heavy doses of discipleship, prayer, accountability, and encouragement.