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Sundays: 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00am
(No livestream at 8:00am)

Church Online Resources

Current Message Series


 Additional Resources

On the Pursuing Life podcast, Phil Morrison shares with us what it really means to lament and how this practice can deepen our spiritual lives as we seek to pursue life in Jesus!

Listen Now

During our Seeing God Through The Psalms series a few years ago, Dr. Mark Farnham preached on the topic of lament, specifically in the context of Psalm 88. 

Watch Now

Pick up your copy of the Pattern of Lament and Types of Psalms handouts at a Connection Center this Sunday, or download them below!

Pattern of Lament    Types of Psalms


William Keller

David & Jaime Lamborn

Heidi & Rob Michael

Becky & Frank Rice


Ryan Romanowski

Teofil & Sarah Rus

Bob & Eileen Sentz

Cherrie & Barry Shumaker
Cherrie with the Lord
June 10, 2022


Josh Voth

Brooksyne & Stephen Weber

Ben Whitby

Ali Whitby


Pete & Rachel Wisniewski

Kyoko Yoshimura


Neighboring Groups

As Mark 12:30-31 states, the Greatest Commandment is that we love God and love our neighbors. Neighboring groups are small gatherings of Calvary attenders who together, help one another live out loving God by loving our neighbors one small step at a time. If you want the adventure of learning new approaches on how to love your neighbors, both in word and deed, while enjoying the encouragement of other believers, we are offering the opportunity to join a Neighboring group.  

Join a Neighboring Group

Happening Today

Click below to watch the testimonies of those who were baptized today!  



Interested in being involved in Calvary Care? Volunteer positions are available in both the food and clothing bank, or you can give through direct support or Calvary’s Benevolent Fund.
Learn More