Global Ministries

We are a church seeking to pursue life in Christ by extending the gospel right here in our community and around the world. Our team exists to mobilize, resource, and send our people into God’s world, to make disciples for the glory of God. Our passion is to see the gospel proclaimed to the ends of the earth and help every person in our church find a place to invest in proclaiming God’s glory.

Calvary currently has over 90 Global Partners who serve a wide diversity of people groups and uniquely contribute to the same goal of making disciples around the world. We are regularly looking for people like you to join us in praying and caring for our Global Partners.

Global Next Steps

Jesus prayed in John 17, “As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” Everyone has a part in reaching the nations, whether that’s going or sending others. Explore the unique privilege of being sent into the world and your role in sending others!

Find Your Next Step

Short-term Ministry TeamS

Throughout the year, there are various opportunities to come alongside our Global Partners and others by serving, loving, and connecting through short-term ministry.

Upcoming Opportunities


Interested in becoming more globally-minded? Explore is the prerequisite to our Cross Training program at Calvary Church and is open to those ages 14 and older. Explore is meant to determine your role in either going, sending, or mobilizing for the nations to learn how to live on mission for the Lord. 

Find Out More

Stories & Updates

Through short-term ministry trips, we desire to be ambassadors of God by going into His world and investing our lives, joining with Him in contributing in the process of making disciples of all nations. Check out updates and stories from the different groups that have gone on short-term ministry trips here at Calvary.

Read Now

Quarterly Prayer Guide



Read stories from our Global Partners, and see how God is using them to accomplish His work around the world! Pick up a copy of our most recent Quarterly Prayer Guide in the church lobby or request one by mail. You can also learn more about our partner organizations and how to get involved in sharing the gospel both locally and globally. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer for our Global Partners, here and around the world.